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Non-Surgical Tattoo Removal London

What is the Tattoo Removal procedure?


Ever wonder about the mystique behind tattoo removal? Let's unravel it. Phi Removal isn't just another method – it stands out, ushering in an era of advanced and safe tattoo eradication. Imagine erasing that permanent makeup (PMU) or old tattoo without lasers – sounds futuristic, doesn't it?


But it's here and now. Diving deeper, this non-laser gem is your ticket to correct or fully get rid of those once-beloved ink marks, be they semi-permanent makeup choices or inked memories.


The best part? Safety. Instead of aggressive treatments that might harm your skin, Phi Removal procedure for tattoo removal focuses on preserving your natural beauty. So, if you're having second thoughts about that ink, know there's a potent yet gentle method awaiting you. And it might just take a few sessions!


Procedure time

1 Hour

Back to work


Duration of results



Local anaesthetic cream


2 Weeks


From £200

How does the procedure work?

At the core of the Phi Removal process, the non-surgical tattoo removal way, we lean on the dependable properties of Glycolic acid, an element respected within the dermatology sector for its ability to connect deeply with our skin.


You might observe during the procedure that our equipment has parallels to those in microblading practices. Yet here, the function shifts. Rather than adding pigment, these tools play a part in guiding the old pigment out, allowing the skin to let go of what’s no longer desired.


Our practitioners, with a handful of experience, ensure professionalism in this combined approach. They harness the potential of the Glycolic acid, ensuring it adeptly interfaces with the skin, encouraging the release of the existing inks.


In the days following the procedure, your skin begins its rejuvenation phase. A notable part of this journey is the emergence of a scab on the treated regions. This isn’t just a by-product – it's the skin’s active role in moving out the old pigments. At times, a second wave of recovery kicks in, unveiling deeper pigment clearing. Such layered recovery isn’t random but a calculated facet of the Phi Removal journey, aimed at delivering thorough and lasting results.


Simply put, Tattoo Removal is where time-tested skincare meets the precision of modern aesthetic techniques, all to help redefine our choices.

Benefits of Non-Surgical Tattoo Removal


Embarking on the journey of tattoo erasure is undeniably monumental, demanding meticulous deliberation. In the vast landscape of removal techniques, Phi Removal’s merits shimmer prominently. Here's an in-depth exploration:


·  Safety through Glycolic Acid:

In the heart of Phi Removal lies Glycolic acid, an esteemed constituent within dermatological circles. Its strategic integration ensures a swerve from the laser tattoo removal procedure terrain, eschewing more aggressive stratagems. Thus, the sanctity of your dermal canvas remains paramount.


·  Meticulous Instrumentation:

Instruments akin to those wielding power in microblading stand central to our protocol. These, with their precision-focused design, encapsulate the tattoo's essence, aiming for a methodical extrication of every vestige.


·  Temporal Efficiency:

Phi Removal's allure resonates in its prospect of a truncated session itinerary. Translated? Diminished unease, expedited path to pristine skin.


·  Healing: Nature’s Ballet:

Post-intervention, a scab’s genesis on the treated territory is anticipated. A not-so-subtle nod to the body's innate recuperative prowess, it’s the prelude to the pigment's natural exodus.


·  Scar-free Horizon:

While many removal trajectories often leave indelible footprints, Phi Removal is a tattoo removal scar free procedure! Its curated methodology aspires for a seamless, scar-absent aftermath.


·  Financial Pragmatism:

Fewer sessions put together against reduced complication probabilities crafts Phi Removal as a long-term, economically sagacious selection.


·  Stewards of Mastery:

Our brigade? More than trained. Immersed in the intricate choreography of Phi Removal, their proficiency promises unwavering dedication and adeptness throughout your journey.

Laser Tattoo Removal vs. Non-Surgical Tattoo Removal

In the domain of tattoo removal, laser tattoo removal has long been recognized as a standard modality. It functions on a principle of employing light energy to target and fragment tattoo ink into minuscule particles, facilitating their subsequent metabolic elimination by the body.


Anyhow, its widespread use, laser treatment has inherent challenges. The process can be associated with a degree of discomfort and often demands multiple sessions. Furthermore, its efficacy can vary based on pigment colours; notably, hues such as blues and greens can be more resistant to treatment.


Contrastingly, Phi Removal has emerged as an innovative alternative. Rooted in the application of Glycolic acid—a well-established compound in dermatological practices—it offers a different mechanism of action. Rather than disintegrating ink particles, Phi Removal facilitates the migration of the ink to the skin's surface, capitalising on the body's innate exfoliative processes.


Clinically, this approach has shown potential benefits, including a reduction in the total number of treatment sessions required. A particularly noteworthy advantage is its reduced propensity for scarring, a concern occasionally associated with laser procedures.


When you look at the tattoo removal cost in other London-based clinics, our non-surgical tattoo removal can be cost-effective. You might come in less often and the method is easy to follow, possibly saving some bucks.


In short, while lasers are known and used often, tattoo removal using Phi Removal provides a different approach that might work out better in terms of quick results, keeping the skin safe, and the whole experience for those getting it done.

Non-Surgical Tattoo Removal London vs. Tattoo Removal Cream

When looking into non-surgical tattoo removal methods, Phi Removal and tattoo removal creams often come up. Let's discuss the differences to help you decide.


Phi Removal uses Glycolic acid to effectively draw tattoo ink to the surface, allowing your body to naturally get rid of it. Under the care of trained professionals, this method targets the tattoo while leaving the surrounding skin untouched. It often offers noticeable results in fewer sessions and maintains skin health.


On the other hand, tattoo removal cream can be easily found, which might appeal to some. Yet, their effectiveness is often under scrutiny. A few may observe minimal fading, but the results tend to vary. Additionally, given the mix of ingredients in them, they can sometimes lead to skin issues.


To put it briefly, Phi Removal as a non-surgical tattoo removal procedure emerges as a trusted method backed by clinical expertise is better than the cream for tattoo removal. Although creams present a simpler facade, Phi Removal's consistent and skin-conscious approach positions it as the go-to for individuals genuinely intent on effective tattoo removal.

Tattoo Removal Near Me @ Clinica Knightsbridge – Step-by-Step

1. Consultation: Before starting, have a discussion with the patient to understand their needs, discuss the procedure in detail, and assess the tattoo's size, location, and colours.


2. Preparation: Cleanse the area thoroughly to remove any surface oils or debris. This ensures a sterile working environment.


3. Numbing: Apply a topical anaesthetic to the tattooed area to reduce discomfort during the procedure.


4. Application: Utilise a PMU (Permanent Makeup) or microblading machine, loaded with the Phi Removal solution, to delicately trace over the tattoo. The glycolic acid in the solution starts reacting with the tattoo pigments.


5. Post-Procedure Care: Once completed, a protective ointment can be applied to the area to prevent infections and facilitate healing.


6. Formation of Scabs: Over the next few days, scabs will form on the treated area, indicating the body's natural healing process is at work. The scabs contain the old pigment that's being expelled from the skin.


7. Scab Healing: It's crucial not to pick or scratch the scabs, as they will fall off naturally. This ensures the best results and avoids any potential scarring.


8. Follow-Up: Depending on the depth and type of tattoo, multiple sessions may be necessary. Schedule follow-up sessions based on individual progress.


9. Aftercare: Advise the patient on the proper aftercare techniques, including keeping the area moisturised, avoiding direct sun exposure, and refraining from submerging the area in water for prolonged periods.


10. Review: After all sessions are completed, review the results, which normally are noticed two weeks after the procedure and ensure they are satisfied with the outcome.

How Much is Tattoo Removal?

Understanding the real tattoo removal cost can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. Clinica Knightsbridge ensures clarity and quality when it comes to the cost of tattoo removal.

Starting at £200, our Phi Removal procedure stands as a competitively priced alternative to the often higher laser tattoo removal cost.


In the UK, especially, deciphering the actual value behind the tattoo removal cost UK can be challenging. Why should you consider Clinica Knightsbridge amidst this vast landscape? Our reputation isn't just about a price tag. It's about a commitment to excellence. While laser tattoo removal cost can vary widely, we offer a transparent pricing structure backed by a history of satisfied clients.


Our team at Clinica Knightsbridge is trained thoroughly in the Phi Removal method. We provide an individualised approach, understanding that each skin has its unique story and requirements. So, when you're evaluating the cost of tattoo removal, remember that with us, you're investing in not just a procedure, but expertise, care, and peace of mind.

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